About Temple
Ananthamangalam Anjaneya temple is located in Tamilnadu, India in the East Coast Road in between Chidambaram and karaikal. Anjaneya temple is facing towards east. The Uthswar is inside the temple. Opposite to this temple the Three Nethra Chathurbuja Veera Anjaneyar Moolava Sannathis is situated outside this temple.
Anjenayar has God Face with 3 eyes. His 10 hands holds with Conch (Sangu), Chakram, Soolam, Kabalam, Madhatchagam, Pasamankusam, Bow, Arrow, Sattai, Navaneetham and has two feathers in both side . You can reach the temple direct by bus(route) from Mayiladuthurai, Sirkali and Nagapattinam. Train (route) services are available upto Mayiladuthurai.

Ananthamangalam Anjaneyar
After the death of Ravanan in the battle of Srilanka, Sri Ramar was returning to Ayothi along with Seetha, Lakshmanan Anjenayar. They stayed in the house of Bharathwaja Maharishi. After sometime Narathar come to the house. Sri Ramar prayed to Narathar. So narathar blessed and then Narathar told Ramar that the Srilanka battle is over but it was not stopped and he told that there is still more to do with your bow and arrow. But Sri Ramar asked to explain it clearly.
Narathar explained everything, Ravanan has died but the Demons generations are living. Their generations are vowed to revenge for the war. Asuras namely Ragtha Bindhu, Ragtha Rakshagan are doing penance under the sea. If their penance is completed, they will get the strong powers to destroy the world. So you must kill the Asuras. But Sri Ramar told that now he cannot delay to go to Ayothi, because Bharathan would take the ‘Firegundam’. Narathar asked Rama, to send his brother Lakshmanan but Sri Ramar said that Lakshmanan is my shadow, so he must be with me. Then Ramar, ordered Sri Hanuman to kill those two Asuras.
Lord Vishnu offers his ‘Conch’ and ‘Chakra’ and Goddess Sakthi offered her ‘Thirusoolam’, Lord Brahma offered ‘Bramakapalam’, ‘ pasangusam’ and Manthrashtakam’, Lord Ramar offered his bow and arrow and Lord Krishna offered ‘Sattai and Butter’ to Sri Hanumam to kill the Demons. Sri Hanuman shows all his powers with 10 hands. Finally Lord Shiva offered his ‘Netrikan’. With this skills Sri Hanuman killed those two Asuras and danced with joy in this place. Hence this place is called ‘ Ananthamangalam’.
Temple Timings:
Morning 8.00 am to 12.30 noon and Evening 4.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m.Every Saturday Morning 5.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and 3.00 p.m. to Night 9.30 p.m.On New Moon days temple will remain opening all the times upto 10 p.m.

Lord At Ananthamangalam Temple
Every year ‘Sri Vaikunda Ekadesi’ Festival during ‘Margazhi’ month and ‘Deepa Uthsavam’ during ‘Karthigai’ month are Celebrated in a grand manner
During ‘Adi’ and ‘Thai’ Month every Friday Abhisheka Aradhana is being conducted to Goddess
In ‘Puratasi’ month Navarathiri (Nine night) festival is being celebrated for Ten days ending in ‘Vijaya Dhasami’
Every month on all Saturdays and on the ‘New Moon’ day special ‘Abisheka Aradhanai’ pooja is being done
During ‘margazhi’ month ‘Hanuman Jayanthi’ is being celebrated in a grand manner with ‘Special Abhishekam’ and ‘Annathanam’ (Free meals) to public
On Every Thursday special ‘Abhishekam’ is being done to Lord Garudan
On Every New Year special Archanai is conducted. On that day temple is opened from Morning 5.00 a.m to 1.00 p.m and evening 3.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m.
Holy Water:
Temple Holy Water is pushkarani (Annumar Theertham), Which is located opposite to this Moolavar temple

Vasudeva Perumal, Sri Devi and Boodevi Nachiar in Ananthamangalam
Devotees took fasting for 48 days and at two time a day. They read Hanuman Thudhi and Hanuman Kavasam for 48 days. On the 48th day the devotees go to Ananthamangalam and pray God. If they do the fasting truly they would be successful in all the things, which they prayed for.
If the devotee go to Ananthamangalam they will get happiness. Defects will be eradicated
Sins will fade away
Sufferings will disappear
Generations will flourish by santhanakrishna prartham
All the wealth will come
Unmarried girls there will be getting the chances of marriage at once
Business will grow up
Since all the Navagrahas are in the tail of Anjaneyar so the devotees pray Lord Anjeneyar and get relieved dosams.
If the devotee prayh whole heartedlyh and pray continuously they will get all knowledge. They will improve their confidence and they will be relieved from fear and disease. And they will speak fluently. Devotees praying Lord Anjeneyar is equal to praying all the Gods.
“Puthirpalam Yaso tharyham nirpayatwam Arokatha
Ajatyam vakpaduth vamsa Hanumath samarnath paveth”
The devotees can pray Lord Anjaneya all the time like Ragu Kalam, Emakandam, Astami and Navami
The devotees can start the Anumar Pooja on New moon day and Kettai and Moolam star especially on Wednesday and Saturday
Anjaneyar Avadhara day in the month of Margazhi (December) and New Moon day of Moola star. It is a famous festival
The devotees offer betel leaves, flower garland, Tulasi garland, Vada Malai and Butter. The devotees do Kumkuma pooja in Anjaneyar foot, the devotees will get many benefits.
The Executive Officer
Arulmigu Rajagopalaswamy temple
Ananthamangalam – 609307
Kazhiappa Nallur Post
Tranquebar Tk
Nagapattinam Dt
Tamilnadu, India.
Phone: 04364 289888
Email: tajapuja@sancharnet.in