This sthalam is found next to Senganancheri, which is found near to Kottayam in Kerala. This temple can be reached by traveling from Thiruvalla to Kottayam getting down at Senganancheri. From there, by traveling around 2 miles in East, we can reach this location. There is no staying facility, lodging facilities available only in nearby towns at Thiruvalla (or) Senganancheri.
The specialty of this sthalam is said to be worshipped and constructed by Sahadevan, one among the PanchaPandavas.
Sthlapuranam :
This sthalam is said to be worshipped and constructed by Sahadevan, one among the Pandavas. This sthala perumal, Athpudha Narayanan gave his seva (prathyaksham) for Rukmaangadhan, who is one of the king of Soorya Vamsam (generation). He had a great thought for the world people and worked for their life.
He greeted all the Gnanis, Yogis and bhaktaas of Vishnu and gave them proper respect and satisfied their needs. On hearing this, Vasishta Maharishi told about the great character of Rukmaangadhan to Indiran. To test the great character, Indran send Naradhar to Rukmaangadhan.
Sri Athpudha Narayana Perumal Temple - Thirukkadithaanam
Rukmaangadhan welcomed Naradhar and gave him lots of respect by doing Padha poojas and offered him with a special garland which had a peculiar flowers in that. NAradha getting the proper respect from him, left that place. By blessing him.
Naradha went to Indra lokam with the garland that is given by Rukmaangadham. On seeing the beauty and the smell that came out from the flower, Indran was very much attracted by it and ordered his soldiers to get the flower from the Garden of Rukmaangadhan. As ordered by Indra, the soldiers daily stole the flowers from the Garden and gave it to Indran.
Rukmaangadhan was surprised to see the flowers being plucked and placed some soldiers to check who is stealing the flowers. But, the deva loka soldiers, without being seen by the soldiers placed in garden, stole the flowers. The garden soldiers fired some garlic plants to get the light, so that using the light, they can easily catch the person who is stealing the flowers.
The smell of Garlic is said to have the character of minimizing the Power of Gods. At this stage, the smoke of that came out of the Garlic plants mixed with the air and all the soldiers of Indran lost their powers and the soldiers in the garden also lost their power and as a result, they were caught and finally they said that they belong to Indra lokam and explained all the things. On hearing this, Rukmaangadhan didn’t get angry, instead gave them proper respect and treated them well. But, Simultaneously all the soldiers, Devars in Deva lokam lost their power and that day is said to Ekadasi day. All of them asked at least minimum amount of credit from the person who is doing fasting on Ekadasi. Rukmaangadhan searched for a person who is fasting on Ekadasi. But, he could not identify not even a single one.
Finally, a women who led her life by washing clothes of the village peoples fought with her husband and because of this, she didnt have her food for the day. Without knowing the day is Ekadesi, she did the fasting. He explained all the things to her and asked her to give the credit of the viradham, there by helping the devas of Deva lokam. She also accepted it and gave one part of her vradham to them and to regain their power. Rukmaangadhan thanked the women and gave lots of precious ornaments and money to her. Thus, through Rukmaangadhan, Sriman Narayanan explains the greatness of Ekadesi Viradham.
The Moolavar found in this sthalam is Athpudha Narayanan. He is also named as “Amirutha Narayanan”. and He is in Nindra Thirukkolam facing the east direction. Prathyaksham for Rukmaangadhan.