Temple Location about the Temple:
It is situated in Trichy, Tamil Nadu district. 8 Kms away from Trichy, 3 1/2 Kms from Sri Rangam, situated in the middle of Trichy – Sri Rangam small Railway station along the Railway from Trichy to Vizhupuram Guard line. Bus facility also available.
Sthala Puranam:
The Sthalapuranam of this temple is also similar to that of the sthalapuranam of “Thirukkandiyoor”.
It is said that both Sivaperumaan and Brahma devan had 5 heads. But, Lord Shiva was angry on Brahma Devan that he too had five heads. Because of this anger, he plucked one of his head from his body and was caught by “Brahmagardhi Dhosham”. Because of this, he lost of his wealth and started beg for food using the Kabaalam. Because of this, Lord Shiva is called as “Picchai Aandavar”.
He was given the Sabham that he can get rid of this sin only if the Kabaalam is completely filled-up with food. From then, Lord Shivan visited all the Divyadesams to get out of his sin. At that time, he was offered food by Sri Mahalakshmi and the Kabaalam was filled completely with food and from then, he got out of his “Brahmagardhi Dhosham”. This is the Sthalapuranam said here.
In this sthalam, Sriman Narayanan, Lord Shiva and Brahma Devan who are collectively called as “Mummoorthigal” are found in separate sannadhis and giving their seva to the world.

Thirukkarambanur – Sri Purushotaman Perumal Temple
Since, Emperumaan, Prushothaman gave Prathyaksham for Kadhamba Munivar, this Kshetram is also called as “Kadhamba Kshetram”.
Kadhambam means mixture of things. Both Shiva and Vishnu are found in the same temple and explains that there should be no difference between Vaishnavas and Saivas and but at the same time they should be devoted in a single minded way. So, this Kshetram is also called “Kadhamba Kshetram”.
In this sthalam only, Sanaga, Sananthana and Sanath brothers are given the first teachings on Saivams and at the same time Prathyaksham for Maarkandeya Maharishi. This also shows how the unity is explained.
Emperumaan, Sriman Narayanam is named as “Uthamar” and Lord shiva is named as “Pikshandanar”.
In Aavani and Chithirai month, grand utsavams are done. Marriages of bhakthas are also done in this temple.
This sthalaperumal is Purushothaman (Purushan + Uthaman). Purushan means husband and Uthaman means a person who behaves and likes his wife and doesn’t even think of other women. Sri Ramar is the best example for Uthaman and he is said to be “Eaga Pathini Vridhan”. So this sthalam is named as “Uthamar Koil” and Emperumaan is called as “Uthaman”.
This Kadhamba sthalam is the place where Gnana Thathuvam (explanation of Gnana) and the explaination of Aanma Gnanam was explained.
Doing pooja in Naga linga flower is one of the speciality in this temple and it is said to eradicate all the problems in our life.
The main moral which is explained in this sthalam is Lord Shiva who is the King of Kailayam, after getting jealous on Brahma devan lost all his wealth and begged for food. So, we should not have jealous on others, but should be happy with what we have.
Lord Shiva – Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma who are collectively called as “Mum Murthy” are said to found here in this temple.
Nagalinga Poo (flower), which is one of the famous and rare flower is found here and this is the special flower here to do poojas in this temple.
The Moolavar of this Sthalam is Purushothaman. He is found in Moolavar in Bujanga seva facing East direction. Prathyaksham for Kadhamba Munivar, Thirumangai Alwar, Ubarusaravasoo, the four persons Sanaga, Sanaathana and Sanathkumarar.
The Thayaar of this Sthalam is Poorvadevi. Also called as “Pooranavalli”.
01. Lord Shiva
02. Brahma who is otherwise called as “Naan Mugan”
03. Venugopalan
04. Ramar
05. Varadharajar
06. Hanuman
07. Sani Bhagavan
08. Dhasaradha Lingam
09. Pitshadanaar
10. Soundira Paarvathi
11. Natarajar
12. Kalaimagal (Saraswathi)
13. Thirumangai Alwar
14. Nammalwar
15. Kulasekarar
16. Ramanujar and
17. Manavaala Maamunigal.
Thirumangai Alwar – 1 Paasuram.
Total – 1 Paasuram.
1. Kadhamba Theertham.
Utthiyoga Vimaanam.