About the Temple & Location:
This is a old temple situated near Ashtabujham temple. It is about 3/4 Km from it in south direction. The temple is so small and it is in a damaged stage.
Sthlapuranam :
The name of the sthalam itself clearly says that the Perumal is there to help us. “Vel” means wish and “Irukkai” means satying there. Since the Perumal itslef wished to stay there to help his bhakthas, this sthalm is known as “Vellukkai”.
Sri Narasimhar is found in Irundha Nilai and protect his bhakthas not being attacked by the asuraas. To ride away the Asuraas, he sits in Yoga position facing west direction as “Yoga Narasimar”. On his own wish, Sri Narasimhar is found here there by helping people from the Asuras.

Sri Azhagiya Singar Perumal Temple, Kanchipuram
Sri Vedantha Desikar in his “Kamaasi Ashtakam” explains about Sri Narasimhar and his wish to stay in this sthalam. (Kamaasi – Kama + Aasika – standing on his own wish).
Vel means wish with pure affection (or) love. Sri Narasimhar who is found here on his affection, is found along with Velukka Valli. Because of this, this sthalam is called “Thiru Velukkai”.
Kind attention to the Bhakthas:
Sri Emperuman, he himself has the love of staying here to get the bad things and problems out of human, is now found without any poojas and is found in the small lake. So, if bhaktas can view the sthalam and Sriman Narayanan who helps us should be taken out from it and has to be done with proper poojas. For this all the Bhaktaas can go to this sthalam and give the necessary things you can afford him and get the complete krubhai of Sri Velukkai Narasimhar.
Sri Vedantha Desikar has sung devotional song on perumal and it is known as “Kamasi Kashtagam”.
Moolavar and Thaayar:
The Moolavar of this sthalam is Sri Azhagiya Singar. He is also named as Narasimhar and Muguntha Naayagan. Moolavar in Yoga Position facing East direction.
Prathyaksham for Brighu Munivar.
Thaayar : Velukkai Valli (Amirtha Valli).
Separate sannadhis for Perumal, Thaayar and Garudan.
Pey Alwar – 3 Paasurams.
Thiru Mangai Alwar – 1 Paasuram.
Total – 4 Paasurams.
Kanaga Saras.
Hema Saras.
Kanaka Vimanam.