This sthalam is situated in Tirunelveli District in Tamil Nadu. 7 miles in right towards Sri vaikundam and 6 miles away from Thiruppulingudi. Bus facilities are available, but no lodging facilities. This sthalam is one of Azhwar’s Navatirupathi.
Sthlapuranam :
In this sthalam, a very big lake (kulam) is found and because of this, the sthalam is also called as “Perungkulam”.
Vedarasan, an andanan (brahmanan) had a daughter named Kamalavathi started doing the tapas against emperumaan to attain him fully satisfied on her tapas, he gave his prathyaksham to her and made here as a small beat and kept along with the Kousthuwa Muni (long chain made of beads) which is found in his chest. Since, she was a small girl (Balikai), this sthalam is named as “Baligai Vanam”.
In this sthalam, Emperumaan fought against Acchamasaran in Imbalika park (Vanam) and finally he broke his legs and danced on him. Like the same way, Lord Shiva also killed a demon named “Muyalagan” and finally was killed and danced on him by Lord Shiva. There is a close resemblence between these actions and it is said that both the gods are the same and if anything against dharma starts, they will come down to destroy it.
Since, Acchmasaran is killed by Emperumaan in Maaya Yutham (Maya war, the perumal is named as “Maayakoothan”.
Swami Mayakoothan -Perungulam (Thirukkulanthai)
In Vyazha bhagavan who is also called as Deva guru was given the seva of Emperumaan in this sthalam.
Kulam means wealth and it also means as “Maargazhi”. The Emperumaan along with two pirattiyaars gives his seva in Aanandha stage and since there is a big lake (Kulam) that is found close to the sthalam, the sthalam is named as “Thirukkulandhai”.
Moolavar and Thaayar:
The Moolavar of this temple is Sri Srinivasa Perumal. Moolavar in Nindra Thirukkolam facing east diretion.
Prathyaksham for Kamalavathi.
Thaayar : The Thaayar of this temple is Sri Alamelumangai thaayar and Kulandhai Valli are the two Naachiyaars of this sthalam.
Utsavar : The Utsavar of this temple is Sri Maayakkoothan.