About the Temple & Location:
This Divyadesam is situated as a small sannadhi inside Ekambareshwarar temple in Big Kanchipuram.
Sthlapuranam :
When Paarvathi was doing Tapas beneath a mango tree, Lord Shiva wanted to test the strength of her tapas. So, he fired the Mango tree. At that time, Paarvathi seeked the help of Vaamanar. After hearing the help voice of Paarvathi, Sri Vaamanar with four hands with Sangu in one hand and Chakram on the other, took out the Chandran (Moon) from the head of Lord Shivan and with the cool rays out of it he made the fire cool and made the Mango tree grow once again.
After this, Paarvathi went back to do the Tapas. But, Lord Shivan wanted once again to test her and sent Ganga, the river. When she came very fast to destroy the tapas of Paarvathi, Paarvathi explained her that both of them are sisters. Inspite of hearing this, Ganga river doesnt want to stop and tried to destroy her and her tapas. At that time, Parvathi made a Shiva Lingam out of sand and hugged it towards her. At that time, both Shiva and Paarvathi got mixed to each other. This is the Sthala puranam of this temple.

Sri Nilathingal Thundathan Temple, Kanchipuram
Since, to help Paarvathi, Sriman Narayanan took the Chandran (Moon) from Lord Shiva’s head to prevent the Lingam done by sand from Ganga river, the Perumal is called as “Nila thingal thundathan” and so the sthalam is called as “Thiru Nilathingal Thundam”.
This Divyadesam is found inside Ekambareswar temple. Since, this temple is taken care by Siva Aacharyas, the poojas for Sri Vishnu is done by a Sivaachariyar only.
Moolavar and Thaayar:
The Moolavar of this Sthalam is Nilathingal Thundathan. He is also known as “Chandirra Chuda Perumal”.
Moolavar in Standing position facing West direction. Prathyaksham for Lord Shivan.
Thaayar :
Ner Oruvar Illa valli (Nilaatthingal Thunda thaayar).
Thiru Mangai Alwar – 1 Paasuram.
Total – 1 Paasuram.
Chandira Pushkarani.
Purusha Sukthi Vimanam (Soorya Vimaanam).