There are six holy places equal to Kashi. Thiruvengadu is one among them. Here everything is three – the presiding deity, holy water and the holy tree. Of the nine planets, Thiruvengadu belongs to Mercury. This is one among the 51 Sakthi Peethas. Thiruvengadu has the pride of being sung by the Great Four, Thirugnanasambandar, Thirunavukkarasar (Appar), Sundarar and Manickavasagar. Of the 64 Murthas of Lord Shiva, the Agoramurthy form is here. Here the Lord performed Six dances. This is also called Adhi Chidambaram. The Chidambara Rahasya is also here. Vishnu has a place near the Nataraja here as in Chidambaram. Indira, Iravadha (the white elephant) Vishnu, Sun, Moon, Agni (fire) worshipped the Lord. It is in Thiruvengadu Pattinathar had Sivadiksha, ascesticism.

This temple is situated 57Kms away from kumbakonam and 3kms from poombukar.
This temple will remain open from 6.00AM to 12.00PM and 3.30PM to 8.30PM and also be kept opened during Raaghu kalam and Emakandam.
Separate Sannidhi for Mercury:
Of the nine planets, Mercury is the lord to bless with good education, knowledge, eloquence, music, astrology, mathematics, sculpture, medicine, scholarship in languages. A temple for Chandra (moon) the father of Mercury is just opposite to the Mercury with Chandra Pushkarani theertha. If mercury is not favourably placed in a horoscope, the native may not have children. Also he/she will have nervous debility and lack of knowledge. They have to propitiate Lord Mercury. Musicologists and film makers worship Mercury.
This is an ancient Saivite shrine where legend has it that Kethu, one of the 9 celestial bodies central to astrological beliefs worshipped Shiva.
Keezhperumpallam, is an ancient Shaivite temple and legend has it that Kethu, the other planetary node of the nine celestial bodies worshipped Shiva here. Rahu and Kethu are associated with legend of the serpent that helped Lord Shiva churn the milky ocean. There is a Shrine dedicated to Kethu in this temple. Ketu brings prosperity to the devotee’s family. He grants good health, wealth, cattle and all round prosperity. He is ruled by Lord Ganesha and Indra. . Those who are affected by Kethu dosha come here for rectification.
This place is also called Vanagiri. Kethu prayed to Naaganaadhaswami and was blessed and rid of his sins by Lord Siva. It is rare to find Kethu with his head. At this sthala, he can be seen worshipping Naaganaadhaswami with his folded hands held high.
The devas and asuras churned the Paarkadal to obtain amirtham that would free them from death, keeping them alive for ever. When the amirtham emerged, Lord Vishnu in the guise of Mohini was distributing the amirtham only to the devas. He was worried that the evil deeds of the asuras will increase multifold if they consumed amirtham. Realising this, one of the asuras with the help of the asura guru Sukrachariyar, took the form of a deva and consumed the nectar. Suryan and Chandran who noticed this, complained to Lord Narayana. In anger, Lord Narayana hit the asura on the head with the spoon in his hand. The head was cut off and fell on the ground. But because the asura had consumed amirtham, his head and body continued to live.

The head portion of the asura attached itself to a snake body to become Rahu Bhagavan. The body portion that was thrown away fell in Pothigai mountain region. This was found and preserved by a Brahmin. The head of a snake got attached to the asura body to become Kethu.
Persons afflicted by Kethu dosham are stricken with fears of dacoity, bad habits, loss of property, loss of face, putra dosham. By praying to Kethu Bhagavan, one can be rid of the doshams. Motcham, sight, property, land, gold, vehicle, fame, wife, children, happiness, unexpected property gains are the beneficial aspects of Kethu Bhagavan.
Sage Durvasar gifted a mala to Indran. Indran, in his vanity threw it on his white elephant Iravadam which stamped the mala under its feet. Durvasar cursed Indran to turn into a wild elephant. Indran realising his folly formed a tank (Thadagam) in Thiruvengadu and worshipped a Siva Linga. He was blessed by Lord Siva and absolved of his sins and reached Indralogam again.
Knowledge, business, leprosy, poisonous bites are the aspects of this planet.
Suwedakedu on realising that he was destined to die in his eighth year, reached Thiruvengadu and performed Siva pooja. As soon as he saw Yama, he held on to the Siva Linga tightly. Yama on seeing Thiruvengadar, ran away in fear and died. On the request of the Devas, the Lord brought Yama back to life.
The sthalam of Kethu is Keezhperumpallam, which is located 6 kms from Thiruvengaadu, enroute to Poompuhar. His wife is Chitralekha. The presiding deities are Naaganaadaswamy and his consort Ambal. He faces the North-West direction. The Adi Devatha is Chitraguptan and the Prathyathi Devatha is Brahma; his colour is red and his vahana is the eagle; the grain associated with him is khollu; the flower – red alli (lily); fabric – multi coloured cloth; gem – Vaidooriyam (cat’s eye); food – rice mixed with khollu powder.
Mantra for Ketu – Aum nring nring nring narsinghaye (Nrisimhaye) namah aum