This sthalam is situated in Tirunelveli district in Tamil Nadu and 3/4 miles away from Varagunamangai. It is one of Alwaars Navatirupathi.
Sthlapuranam :
Vashista Maharishi’s sons and popularly known as Saptha Rishis gave their sabham to Yagnasharma, who was a well knowledged Demon, finally got his sabha vimochan being touched by the Thiruvadi of Emperumaan of this sthalam.
Once, Devendran – Indiran did not give the proper respect to Devaguru Bruhaspathi, because of this he doesn’t want to see Indiran and disappeared suddenly as suggested by Brahma DEvan by keeping Vicchuvaruna as the Guru who is the son of Sukran (Thuvatta) to do yaagam.
Swami Kasinavendan -Thiruppulingudi.
Despite doing the Yaagam to strengthen the power of Devas, his mind was thinking that the power of Arakkas (Demon) should grow. Vicchuvaruna is a person who has 3 heads. Since he was basically a follower of Arakkas, his mind actually did the yaagam only to raise the power of Devas.
By knowing this (i.e. mouth speaking one thing and his mind doing the opposite to it) through his Gnana Eye, Devendran Indiran using his Vajrayudh, cut the heads of Vicchuvaruna.
His three heads changed into Eagle, Vulture and crow and was thrown into the air and at that time, he caught up with Brahmagathi Dhosham. To get him out of it, all the other Devas gave land, water, women and trees to clear the dhosham, but it was not cleared and finally only in this sthalam, this dhosham was cleared.
Generally Emperumaan is said to be the whole structure of silence and soft. But at times, he himself change so arrogant to eradicate the evil from this world and because of this, this sthala perumal is also named as “Kaaichina Vendhan”.
Sriman Narayanan’s general character is soft and calm and Lord Shiva’s general character is angry. But, in this sthalam, sriman Narayanan is showing the Character of Lord Shiva, which explains to the world that both of them are the same and should be treated as the same.
Generally, the king who is ruling the country should not get angry at any particular time. But, if anything against the people of the country, he should get angry against the enemy to kill (or) punish them. Like the same, Sriman Narayanan here in this sthalam explains about the anger and gives his seva as “Kaaichina Vendhan” in Bhujanga sayanamand to get out from the curse of Yagnasharma given by the sons of vasishtar and the Brahmagathi dhosham.
From the Thiru Vayairu (Stomach) of the Kaaichina Vendhapperumal, is through the Lotus plants bark, Lord Brahma is attached who is found on the wall of Garbhagraham. We can see only one of the Thiruppaadham (Feet) of Emperumaan. To see the both feets, we can see it through a small hole, which is found on the outer pragharam.
Sri Kaaichina Vendhan Thiruppulingudi
Moolavar and Thaayar:
The Moolavar of this temple is Sri Kaaichina Vendhan. Moolavar in Kidantha kolam in Bhujanga sayanam facing east direction. Prathyaksham for Varunan, Nirruthi, Dharmarajan and Narar.
Thaayar : Two Naachiyaars – Malar magal Naachiyaar and Poomagal Naachiyaar. One more small utsava naachiyaar named “Pulingudu Valli” is also found.