Ahobilam is situated at a distance of 74 Kms from Nandyal (Kurnool District), around 365 Kms from Hyderabad and around 75 Kms from Tirupathi. Lots of transportation facilities are available. Bus facilities from Cuddapah, Nandyal and Banganapalli are available and frequent.
This Ahobila sthalam is also known as “Singavel Kundram”. This sthalam is dedicated to Sri Narasimhar, one of the Avathaars taken by Sri Maha Vishnu to kill Hiyanyakasibhu. This sthalam is also known as “Nava Narasimha Kshetram” since 9 forms of Narasimhar Moorthies is found.
Thiru Singavel Kundram is also called as “Ahobilam”. This divyadesam is said to be found as two mountains (ie) Upper Ahobilam and Lower Ahobilam. From lower Ahobilam, we have to travel around 6 Kms to reach upper Ahobilam through bus. This Ahobilam sthalam is also named as “Nava Narasimha Kshetram”.
This Sthala Perumal gives his seva in 9 different ways and it is believed to be so powerful as NavaGrahaas.
This sthalam is found inside mountain and the perumal, Narasimhar is giving his seva in 9 different stages.
1. Ahobila Narasimhar
2. Varagha Narasimhar
3. Malola Narasimhar
4. Yoganandha Narasimhar
5. Bhavana Narasimhar
6. Kaaranja Narasimhar
7. Chathra Vada Narasimhar
8. Bharghava Narasimhar
9. Jwala Narasimhar
Karanji NarasimhaSwamy
If we assume the group (or) series of mountains in Andhra Pradesh State, it will be like Aadhiseshan. Being the head part of the Aadhiseshan can be treated as the Thiruvenkadamudayaan’s Tirupathi, the body part is treated as this sthalam, Ahobilam and the tail part is considered to be assumed as “Sri Sailam”, Where Lord Shivan is found. The Ahobila perumal, Narasimhar is well sung and praised by Aadhi Shankarar, Udayavar Ramanujar and Sri Madhava Chariyar. These 3 great persons are considered to important and should be given respect, since they worked very hard to attain the perumal and they worked hard for the humanity to live their life in peace. Other than these 3 great personalities, 3 more who were given the Sthanam (position) (position) of Alwars (ie) Garudalwar, Pragaladhalwar and Thirumangai Alwar has also praised on this Ahobila varadhan.
In Upper Ahobilam, lots of wild animals are found and because of this, bhaktas are allowed to go to Upper Ahobilam only in groups along with proper guides. Bhaktas are also advised to return back to lower Ahobilam in the noon, itself.
Thirumangai alwar – 10 Paasurams.
During Maasi month of every year, a grand Utsavam, the Brahmotsavam is celebrated in a grand way and ends on Pournami.
This sthalam is also related to the Kali yugam. The perumal has a close relation with Lord Murughan. How Murugapperumal married Valli, who is considered to be one among the women in mountain, this sthala perumal also married Senji Lakshmi thaayar who belonged to the same category. Lord Murugan is also named as “Vel”. And since, Narasimhar married Senjilakshmi thaayar who belong to the Vedar family (Hunter) this perumal is named as “Singavel” and since the perumal is found in Kundru means the “Top of the Hill”. And since, this sthalam is said to be the continuous (or) series of Eazhumalayan’s Kundram, this sthalam is called as “Singa Eazhkundram”.