About the Temple & Location:
This sthalam is in Tirunelveli district near Thirukkurungudi. We have to get down in Naanguneri when travelling from Tirunelveli to Thirukkurungudi. Bus and lodging facilities are available.
Sthlapuranam :
This sthalam is also named as Naanguneri, Seeravaramangai and Vaanama malai. Since there are 4 big Lakes in this sthalam, this sthalam is named as “Naangu Neri”. (Naangu means four). But at present only one is found. This sthalam is one of the Ashta (eight) suyambhu (Which grows (or)develops on its own) sthalams. Other seven sthalams are Badri Narayanam, Mukthi Narayanam, Naimisaranyam, Pushkaram, Tiruvenkadam, Sri Mushnam and Thiru Varaagam.
It is said that the Moolasthanam was immersed in to the lake water. Even if the lake is flooded with water, there will be around 2 feet high of water around the Garbhagriham (Moolasthanam).

Sri Thothadrinatha Perumal Temple
Inside this sthalam an oil well of 25 feet height and 15 feet width. The well doesnt have water but has an rich oil, which extracts oil instead of water. The oil which is found in the well is said to have the medicinal values and said that it cures many diseases. Daily, the Emperumaan of this sthalam is done the thirumanjanam using 6 padis (1 padi= around 1 1/2 Kgs) of Gingely oil and Sandal wood oil. After the thirumanjanam is over, the oils are poured into the well itself .
If any devotee need some amount of oil from the well, they must give the same amount of gingely oil to the devastanam and it is poured into the well and given the medicinal oil.
To get the Aathma Gnanam, Aathma Arul (blessing) and Aathma Bhakthi, the permanant soul (or) Aathma which reside on the temporary body should be clean and purified. Having this as cleared only, we get achieve all other things. Out body, speach and activity should be clean. Old age is the caution for the death and it is the final action for the free of our soul. Till the soul is in our body, it should be without any harm and diseses and should be clean. To explain this, the Emperumaan of this sthalam gives his seva and also gives the oil which cures many diseases.

Sri Thothatrinatha Perumal Temple
So bhaktaas who worship this sthalam can get the dharshan of the Emperumaan and also the curable oil.
This sthala perumal gave his prathyaksham to Indiran, Romasa Maharishi, Brighu Muni and Maarkandeya Maharishi. He gave his sev to these four great aathmas as “Aadhi Maruthuvan” (Maruthuvan means doctor). The persons who has the diseases are given the treatment by facing him towards East – west direction. As the same way, the perumal Thothatri Naathan gives his seva facing his thirumugam towards the east direction.
It is said that a king who belonged to Sindhu empire got the sabham from Romasa Maharishi to become like a dog. After becoming the dog, the king came to this sthalam and took a bath in the sthala pushkarani to get out of the Sabham.
On the entrance of the Temple is the Pandhal Mandapam and along the side, we can find very big mandapams where Golden Chariot and Golden Chapparam (another kind of perumal’s Vaaganam) are kept. These are taken out during the utsavam done in Panguni Uthiram. On the north side, we can find the Vaanamamalai Jeeyar Madam.
When entering into the main temple, we can find Sevvanthi Mandapam which is built by Sevvanthi Naayakar. In this mandapam only, the utsavar gives his seva during utsava times. On the left side of this mandapam, we can find Veerappa Naayakkar mandapam, in which all the pillars are beautifully sculptured with numerous shapes. When passing through this mandapam, sannadhis for Lakshmi Narayanan, Lakshmi Varagar, Venugopalan and Dasavatharam are found.
After crossing the Kodi maram, we can find Kulasekaran mandapam. Here vadakku Naachiyaar, Therku Naachiyaar, Manavala Maamunigal, Udayavar, pillai ulaga Asiriyar and except Nammalwar, all the Alwars are found in separate sannadhis. Nammalwar is found as “Sadagopar” in “Sadaari” (this is kept on our head in Vishnu temples) as “Sadagopar Sadaari” in utsavar sannadhi. Also, seperate sannadhis for Sri Ramar, Sri Kannan, Chakaratalwar are found.
After crossing all these, we can reach towards the main moolavar sannadhi and can find Thothatri nadhan in Veetrirundha thirukkolam and opposite to him is the Garudalwar is found.

Sri Thothadrinatha Perumal Temple, Vaanamaamalai
Moolavar is found along with two pirattiyaars in veetrirundha kolam and Rambhai, Thilothamai who are called the “Deva loga women” serve the perumal, Brighu Maharishi, Maarkandeya Maharishi, Chandra – Soorya, Vishwakshenar are found. The Aadhiseshan, serve as the Umbrella for Thothatri naathan, he is giving his seva to the bhaktaas.
Utsavar Deiva Nayagan is found along with this pirattiyaars, Srivaramangai thaayar and Andal by having Maga Kandigai (which is said to be the most precious and valuble ornament of the perumal) in very big peetam is found.
This sthalam is also called as “Vaanama malai” because a pandiya king married a Cheran daughter and he got the name as “Vaanavan”. Since, he built this temple, this sthalam is called as “Vaanama malai”. It is one of the said story about this sthalam.
An oil well is there, which said to cure all sorts of uncurable diseases.
Moolavar and Thaayar:
The Moolavar of this temple is Sri Kothagirinathan also named as Vaanamamalai. Prathyaksham for Brahmadevan, Indiran, Ramasa Rishi, Brighu Rishi, Maarkandeya Rishi. Moolavar in Veetrirundha Kolam facing East direction.
The Thaayar of this temple is Sirivaramangai Naachiyaar – Periya piratti, Bhoomi piratti and Neela devi are the three Naachiyaars of this sthalam. Periya piratti and Bhoomi piratti are the two naachiyaars who is found along with the Moolavar and they have their own sannadhis.
Utsavar :
The Utsavar of this temple is Sri Deiva Naayaga Perumal.
Nammalwar – 11 Paasurams.
Total – 11
Indira theertham, Setru thaamarai theertham. Since this pushkarani is without water and found only oil and mud and clay, the pushkarani is called “Setry thaamarai theertham”. And since, Indiran took bath in this to get out of the diseases, the Pushkarani is called Indira theertham.
Nanda Varthana Vimaanam.