About the Temple & Location:
This temple is situated in Tirunelveli district in Tamil Nadu. 1 1/2 miles away from Sri Vaikundam railway lane, this sthalam is situated. Bus facility, lodging facility with food facility is available. This sthalam is one of Azhwars Navatirupathi.
Sthlapuranam :
This sthalaperumal, Sri Vaikundanathan is found alone in Nidra Kolam, as Aadhiseshan serving him as an umbrella.
Once, a theif named, Kaala dooshakan, after steeling the precious things from the people had an agreement in his mind, that he will give half of the stolen things to this sthala perumal. As of its whenever he steels something, he dedicated half of the stolen things to Vaikunda nathan.
Likewise, once he stole some precious ornaments and things from King’s palace. But unfortunately, he was caught up by the palace authorities. They brought him to the palace and made to stand infront of the king. Without knowing what to do, he meditated on Sri Vaikundanathan, in his mind and heart. Since, the perumal got the things from the thief, he occupied entirely in the heart the minds of him.
After this, he explained the Aathma Gnana followings to the king. The voice and the appearance belongs to the thief, Kaaladooshan, but the explaination of the Gnana was told by Sri Vaikundanathan. After hearing this, the Emperumaan gave his dharshan to both, the king and the thief in Nindra Thirukkolam.

Sri Vaikundanatha Perumal
As asked by the king, this perumal is named as “Kalla Piraan”. Kalla – means thief. Since, he gave the seva through a thief, he is named as Kalla Piraan.
Once, Somagan, who was a demon steeled the vedas from Brahma devan and he seeked the help of Sriman Narayanan. Sri Vaikundanathan fought with the Arakkan (demon) to get back the vedas. This is one of the said story about this sthala perumal.
Born as an ordinary human in Ayodhya, Brighu Chakravarthy in the next generation as a biggest emperor, he ws given the prathyaksham of this sthala Emperumaan. Devendran, Indiran was also given the prathyaksham.
The utsavar – Kallabiraan with the Gadha, a weapon in his hand and along with the Sangu and Chakkaram along with Periya piratti and Bhoomi piratti along the two sides, he giving his seva as “Abayakara Varadhan” in Nindra Kolam.
The Sculpturist, after finished doing the utsavar – Kallabiraan, was excited and forgot himself on the beauty of the perumal. As an excitement, he pinched (Expressed as the happiness and the admiration of the beauty the Kallapiraan perumaal. Because of this, a small impression is found on the cheeks of this utsava perumal.
That kind of beauty, this kallapiraan perumal is Moolavar, after fighting with the Somagasuran for the vedas of Brahma devan, in an hurry, he climbed up on Garudan leaving two pirattiyaar. Because of this only, the Moolavar is found alone in this sthalam in Nindra Kolam.
This sthala perumal is also named as “Paal Pandiyan”. The story behind is one of things that has to be explained.
Brahma devan did the tapas on the perumal and the perumal suddenly disappeared in to the earth. But the cows, which roamed along the place, automatically gave the milk, where the perumal disappeared. After digging the place, Brahma devan took out the perumal out of the place and after he raised this temple. Since, he was able to get out the perumal, because of the cow’s milk, this perumal is also named as “Paal Pandiyan”. “Paal means – milk”.
It is said that Sooriya perumal, worship this perumal twice a year. As that of it, 6 day of chittirai and 6 day of Iyppasi month, the rays of the sun cross the Gopura entrance and is found all along the Emperumaan as explaining that he is worshipped him.
Two thaayars, Vaikunda valli and Sora Valli are found in separate sannadhis. Vaikunda valli is periya pirattiyaar and Sora valli is found after the Soranatha Naachiyaar’s vaasal. The vaikunda vaasal is opened only during Vaikunda Ekadasi.
Near the Vaikunda Vaasal, manavaala maamunigal sannadhi and Dasavatharam of Sri Vishnu is found. Opposite to this is a separate sannadhis for Yoga Narasimhar in south east direction. Every tuesday, special Poojas are done for Yoga Narasimhar.
On the North side a separate sannadhi for Thiruvenkada Mudayaan, Sri Srinivasar in big mandapam is found.
Moolavar and Thaayar:
The Moolavar is Sri Vaikundanathan. Other names of him are Kalla Piraan, Paal Pandiyan. Moolavar in Nindra Thirukkolam facing east direction.
Prathyaksham for Brighu Chakaravarthy and Indiran.
Thaayar : Two thaayars namely Vaikundha Valli and Bhoodevi are found. They have their own separate sannadhis.
Nammalwar – 2 Pasurams
Total – 2
Manavala Maamunigal has also done the Mangalasasanam here.
Brighu Theertham
Tamirabarani Nadhi.
Chandira Vimaanam.
The Gopuram is very big which is 110 feet in height and 500 feet in width, and 396 feet wide big walls which encloses the temple. Numerous sculpture are found in the 100 pillared mandapam which is found near Moolavar sannadhi.