JagathRakshagan- One who protects the World
The Aaduturai Perumal Koil is about 15kms from Kumbakonam on the road to Thiruvayaru, on the banks of Cauvery and is a few kms west of Kapisthalam.
Main Deity : Vaiyam(Ulagam)Kaatha Perumal- JagathRakshagan
Goddess : Padmaasini(Pushpavalli)
Thirumangai Azhvaar has 10 Pasurams in praise of the lord who is in standing posture facing the East.
As the Devas came together at this place requesting the Lord to kill the Asura Hiranyaaksha, this place has come to be called Koodalur(where people come together)
The Story
1. The Devas came together at this place and prayed to Vishnu requesting him to kill Asura Hiranyaksha. Legend has it that Vishnu cut open the earth, killed the Asura and reappeared, with Goddess Lakshmi, as Varaaha Moorthy (one of the 10 Avathaarams of Maha Vishnu) at SriMushnam.
As all of them came together at this place and prayed to the Lord requesting for protection, this place has come to be called Koodalur (where people come together). The Lord who protected the village from the Asura has come to called JagathRakshgan- One who protects the World
2. There’s another story to this place: Raja Ambarishi was a pious devotee of Vishnu, so much so that he even let go his kingdom to continue his penance.
Sage Durvasa, renowned for anger, once visited Ambarishi. With the king in deep penanace, Durvasa, in typical style, lost his patience. Wild with anger, Durvasa cursed Ambarishi to lose the power of his penance. The staunch devotee that Ambarishi was, he continued to think of the Lord. Coming to the aid of his devotee, Vishnu threw his Chakra at Sage Durvasa, who immediately begged the Lord for forgiveness and the Lord took back his Chakra.
Hence, one can find the Utsavar at this temple-JagathRakshagan- with the Chakra in his hand.
Pleased with Ambarishi’s penance, it is here that Vishnu gave him Darshan in his full Divine form. Ambarishi was ecstatic at having seen the Lord in his divine form and built a temple for the Lord at this place. It is believed that this temple was washed away and the temple that exists now was built later by Rani Mangammal of Madurai.
3. One other story has it that River Cauvery displayed her grief to the Lord that all the impurity/sins was being washed at the river and that she was feeling that the river here was becoming impure and unclean. It is believed that Cauvery regained all her glory at this place.
Specialty of the temple

big conch (shanku) like formation in Jack fruit at Sri Aaduthurai Perumal
There is a jackfruit tree behind the main sannadhi and there is a big conch (shanku) like formation on it that is said to have formed naturally when it was being planned to cut down a portion of the tree for renovation purpose. The formation is covered with turmeric for identification.
Quick Facts
Buses ply every 10 minutes from Kumbakonam to Thiruvayaru (narrow road along the banks of Cauvery)
Temple Timing: 730am-1230pm and 430pm-830pm
Priest: Venkatesa Bhattachar/Kasturi Rangan Bhattachar
04374 244279