About the Temple & Location:
This temple is situated in Tamil Nadu. 30 miles from chenni in North west direction, 3 miles away from Thiruvallore Railway Station, which is in between Chennai to Arakkonam Railway lane. Plenty of bus services available with more frequency.
Sthlapuranam :
A Rishi (Munivar) named Saalihothirar lived in Thiruvathari Ashram (Badrinath). There is a story to be expained how he got this name.
Saali means measurement instrument which is used to measure the weight (or) quantity of Rice. Saalihothirar’s parents did a homam which has to be done for 1 year using 28 Thousand Saali Rice. As the result of that homam only, he got his birth and got the name as “Saalihothirar”.
To get the Paramapadham, he came to this Veeksharanya Shetram to worship the God here. He came to the Kshetram on Thai Amaavasai. On the same day he came, he took bath in Hiruthaapanasana Theertham and on the north shore of this theertha, he started the silence fasting (mouna viratham – observing silence) for one year. Daily he collected some rice and after a year of fasting, he purified it, he collected about 3 padis (a small quantity) of rice. Then he cooked that and some part of the rice is did Naivedhyam to God and after it is done, he kept the rest of the rice for himself to eat. He waited for some Adhithi (A Guest, probably a muni or rishi) to come, so that he can offer them something to eat and after that, he can finish the fasting.
At that time Sriman Narayanan came there as an old muni, keeping Kamandalam in this right hand and an umbrella in his left hand and chappel on his feet. He seems to be so hungry and thirsty and as if he has travelled a long way. On seeing him, Saalihothirar greeted him and made him to sit, facing East direction. He was offered only a quarter part of the rice. But, the old muni (the Perumal) wanted all of the rice to eat.

Sri Veeraraghava Perumal Temple
Saalihothirar gave all of the food to the old muni. After eating the entire food, he asked where can he sleep? ( Evvullil Urangalam ) (Vul – means a place) For this, Saalihothirar asked him that he can sleep in his hut itself and he will do the Paadha seva to him. The old muni slept keeping his head along the south direction and it this Kidantha kolam the Emperumaan is giving his seva in this sthalam.Since he asked Salihothirar muni that in which place (Vul) he can take rest, this sthalam is called “Evvulor” or “Thiru Evvuloor”.
On collecting rice, everyday for one year and doing fasting and finally dedicated that to Sriman Narayanan, he asked for all the food for himself. On hearing this, he gave only some part and after the muni asked for all the food, he gave all the food to himself. This shows how he had Bhakthi on God and his followers. But he could not understand the Muni who had asked all of his food was Sriman Narayanan. But, Sriman Narayanan not only took the rice from him, but at the same time he took the bhakthi of Saalihothirar in his soul. He not only gave his food but also his place of stay. Sriman Narayanan wanted to explain how the Bhakthi towards him shold be through Salihotira muni, to the world.

Sri Vijayaraghava Perumal Temple -Front Side View
Moolavar is Veera Raghava perumal, in Bhujanga Sayanam in Kidantha Kolam and his right hand is kept on the head of Saalihothira Muni. Naan Mugan, Brahma is shown the Paramathma Soroopam (One way of the showing his body (or) seva) and showing the Gnana Muthirai in his left hand as the symbol of Vedas. This is the way the Moolavar is gives the seva to the world.The Perumal here is Veeraraghava Perumal and he is capable of curing diseases so he is called “Vaithiya Veeraraghavan”.
The god married the Thaayar, who borne in this sthalam as the daughter of King Dharmasenan and was named as “Vasumathi”.
This Sthalam is under the control of Ahobila Mutt Jeeyar.
If we take bath in the Pushkarani fo this temple in Amavasai, it is said that diseases are cured. All Bakthas submit salt and Pepper as their dedication (Kananikkai) for god.
Moolavar and Thaayar:
The Moolavar of this sthalam is Veeraraghava Perumal also called as Vaithiya Veeraraghavan. Moolavar in sleeping position (Bujanga Sayanam) facing east direction.
Prakthyaksham for Salihothra Munivar.

View Of Sri Veeraraghava Perumal Temple
Thaayar : Kanakavalli (Vasumathi thaayar). Seperate sannadhi for Thaayar.Sannadhis:
Seperate sannadhis for Boopalarayar, Manavalan, Kannaki, Saligrama Moorthigal,Lakshmi Narasimar, Gajalakshmi Thaayar in pathuma peedam. Ramar, Venugopalar, Vedantha Desikar, Nammazhvar, Andal, Garudan, Thirukachinambigal and Vishwaksenar.
Thiru Mangai Alwar – 11 Paasurams.
Thirumazhisai Alwar – 1 Paasuram.
Total – 12 Paasurams.
Hruthapapa Nasini, which is used to cure mental disease. It is said that if taken bath in this pushkarani cures all kind of diseases.
Vijaya Kodi Vimanam.

Sri Veeraraghava Perumal Temple

Sri Vijayaraghava Perumal Temple -Front Side View
Prakthyaksham for Salihothra Munivar.

View Of Sri Veeraraghava Perumal Temple
Total – 12 Paasurams.
Vijaya Kodi Vimanam.